
InExhaustible Media is a family owned, multimedia publishing company dedicated to the spirit of independent creators. We have developed a catalog of books, and are expanding into the realms of art and video games. Our dedication to providing quality, services, and support empowers us to give to others in the industry.

InExhaustible Media strives to be a leader in multi-media publishing. A team of authors, marketers, artists and game designers work together to develop opportunities for others to expand their reach, see their vision, and achieve their goals.

Evidence of this is reflected in the Live Stream Team, the Write Team on Twitch and other platforms. These team members work together to produce live streams that enlighten, educate, and entertain. Quarterly, the team releases a new short story anthology, giving readers a view into the unique accomplishments of authors from screen to print. As a team, we strive to create avenues that benefit the greater writing community.

InExhaustible Media also produces an author newsletter that provides insights, resources, and time saving options to empower authors. The creation of the InExhaustible Author’s Platform stems from the need authors have to create new content, reach out to podcasters and book reviewers, and develop their platform. We endeavor to save authors time, and provide vital information where possible.